Sunday Service This Sunday, October 21st at 5:30pm
Pastor Tim and Cindy are back from their week long Vermont honeymoon and are ready for fellowship and worship this Sunday.
Tim & Cindy invite you to stay after service for a short time to hear about their week in Vermont.
Snapshot of Upcoming Special Events
- Monday - October 22nd at 6pm - Manicures for the Assisted Living (Lewisville Estates)
- Saturday - October 27th at 1:30pm - Crafts with the Elderly (Lewisville Estates - Main Building)
- Friday & Saturday - November 2-3 - Leadership Summit at Refuge Worship Center
- Saturday - November 10th at 10am to Noon - Manicures with the Seniors (Main Building, Lewisville Estates)
- Monday - November 12th at 6pm - Manicures for the Assisted Living (Lewisville Estates)
Please join Sandra Scholten as she reaches out to the people who are unable to get out. She will be giving
manicures to those in the Assisted Living Building at Lewisville Estates. All supplies will be provided.
Crafts with the Eldery - Oct. 27th at 1:30pm - Lewisville Estates
If you have a heart for the elderly and have time to help, Sandra Scholten will be leading crafts with the
elderly at Lewisville Estates (main building) at 1:30pm. Please join her for this important outreach
Upcoming Leadership Summit at Refuge Worship Center Friday Evening and Satuday Morning - Nov. 2 & 3
Please continue to prayerfully consider joining us for this time of worship, prayer and teaching at the upcoming Leadership Conference at Refuge Worship center. We will be heading to Refuge Worship Center late Saturday afternoon and will head back to Dallas Saturday afternoon. Please let Tim or Josh know if you plan to join us. This is a very exciting time for us to learn from our church oversight.
Special Needs
At The Well Church of Lewisville, one of our primary objectives is to feed and clothe those in need, to take care of the orphans and widows, and to show the love of Christ to a fallen world. To accomplish this, it takes everyone of us! We are asking each of you to prayerfully ask the Lord how you might help us reach the lost, the hurting, and those in need. With that said, please consider a monetary gift to our ministry. 100% of what we receive will be used to help those in need through missions support, outreach and disaster relief. If you would like to see how our funds have been used, please contact Pastor Tim and he will gladly share a copy of our financial report.
We look forward to seeing you all this coming Sunday!
Pastors Tim, Cindy, Josh and Tammy