To equip and empower others to reach and serve the world as Christ’s ambassadors.
Snapshot of Upcoming Special Events
Saturday, September 15th, 6:00pm - Time of Prayer at the William's home.
Visit to our Church Partner - Refuge Worship Center
This past Sunday, several from our church visited our partner church, Refuge Worship Center, where Tim Vanderwater was ordained and licensed as a pastor by the Elders of Refuge Worship Center. Tim shared a message with the congregation and gave a report of all of the blessings that have been occurring in The Well Church of Lewisville. In addition, Sharon Nowell gave a very powerful testimony about how our church is really impacting the lives of others. This was an incredible time in the presence of the Lord. The service was very moving and uplifting. We are all so grateful for the warm and loving reception that we received from our church partner.
Prayer Meeting - Saturday, September 15th at 6:00pm at the William's Home
This Saturday at 6PM, we will be holding a prayer meeting at Josh and Tammy's home in Corinth. Their address is:
2606 Whetstone
Corinth TX 76210
This will be a time where we will come together as a church body and lift our petitions and requests to the Lord for our church, for the lost world and for each other. God's Word tells us:
During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission (Hebrews 5:8, NIV).
God will also hear our prayers, but only if you are there to make your requests known. This is what we, as a church, are to model. Please join us for this powerful evening of prayer. As Pastor Jamie reminded us this Sunday, when God provides an opportunity, you want to do everything possible to be there, because the opportunity may not be there again.
Sunday Service This Sunday, September 16th at 6pm - Spiritual Gifts Inventory
This Sunday, we will be wrapping up our study on Spiritual Gifts. Please don't forget to bring your Spiritual Gifts inventory. We will spend this Sunday helping our church body understand God's purpose for you as the body of Christ. This will be an important lesson as we close this study. If you need another copy of the Spiritual Gifts inventory, please contact Pastor Tim at [email protected]