Lest We Forget A Communion Message Pastor Tim Vanderwater Sunday, October 28, 2018 Luke 22:7-20; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 |
lest_we_forget_2018-10-28.mp3 |
In this message, Pastor Tim explains the significance of Communion and remembering what Jesus did on our behalf.
Storms can come out of nowhere and be fierce. Jesus' disciples learned first hand how uncertain and intense their situation was when a storm came in out of nowhere. The good news for them was that the one who could calm the storm was with them. Who is with you in the midst of your storms? Jesus alone can speak and calm the winds and the waves
Passion is what drives us. However the passion for the wrong things can do serious damage to you and others. In this message we will examine our passion for the kingdom.
Worry is one of our biggest enemies. The "what-if" games that we play in our minds can leave us paralyzed in fear. Pastor Tim looks at several ways in which we can replace worry with peace.
Guest speaker Dan Wade explains the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, and our call to holy living.
The Apostle John was the Apostle of love. He understood what it meant to love like Christ. It is not simply an emotion, but rather a choice that we make to love others. In this message, Pastor Tim teaches on God's love made complete through the life of the believer.
God calls us to be a productive citizen in His kingdom. We all have been given a responsibility to grow spiritually. In this message, Pastor Tim looks at 2 Peter 1:3-11 to help us understand our responsibility as a Kingdom citizen.
In this sermon, Pastor Tim explains how we find comfort in the midst of suffering.
Pastor Tim looks at the answers to 4 rhetorical questions. The answers to these questions make us more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Sermon Outline by Westbrook, R.
In this message, Pastor Tim discusses Christian Integrity, what it is and what it does in the life of a Christian. Sermon Outline Credit: Westbrook, R.
The Well Church of LewisvilleMiscellaneous Sermons from The WELL Archives
May 2020